Migration from Sophos XG "Failed to upload configuration file."

On Sophos XG135, I have a menu "backup/restore" where I can backup a password protected configuration and another menu "import/export" where I am unsure whether the config or something related to the API is being exported. Under backup/restore I get a file without extension and under import/export I get a tar file containing an XML, a json and the certificates.
In the migration tool, the migration fails with both files with the error below
Failed to upload configuration file.
Category: Firewall Migration Tool
It's just a hunch, but I assume you're trying to migrate from a Sophos to a SonicWall firewall?
The Release Notes do not show any details about which Sophos versions are supported, but there was an Issue ID mentioned, which should be addressed with Support. DEVT-3102
Thank you for your response.
yes indeed. sorry I was not mentioning this.
On the first page of https://migratetool.global.sonicwall.com/ I see the among the supported devices:
SG, XG Series
That's why I was even asking here. But yeah, I think will contact support.
If you are still facing Issues with this inspite of reviewing and correcting the two items listed above, please create a support ticket and provide the Sophos configuration file and we can try to facilitate the appropriate Sonicwall Configuration file for you to use .
Thank you.
I have tried again with the Entities.xml. There are a lot of IPs in the File and the XML is valid. But I still get the same error.