Can't increase heigth of SonicWall NetExtender 10.3.0 Linux GUI on Ubuntu

I'm on Ubuntu 24.04 and I've got enabled Large Text
option in accessibility settings. The GUI client respects that option but at the same time it's not possible to increase a window height (I can change only width) and there is no way to scroll inside the window. It looks that devs forgot about that and now some options, buttons etc are almost not visible (does not fit in window) or even not possible to see or click.
This is the connection settings - I was able to move it inside app's window to the top to see Save
This is main window when connected - look at Logs icon:
Is there any option for NetExtender to increase the size of window or enable scrolling vertically inside it?
Best Answer
byroniac Newbie ✭
OK, I believe I have found the answer for you. Try holding down the SUPER/Windows key and right-clicking the title bar, and choose Resize from the menu (I'm trying this on 24.10, so hope it works for you).
Hmmm… I use Ubuntu 24.04 (though I usually am on 24.10 at the moment). What is your screen resolution? And which JDK did you install? I can't remember if this client requires the JDK but old ones did (e.g., 10.2.850). I usually just install "default-jdk" and let it use that.
I've got 2 screens - 1366x768 and 1920x1080. I believe that that could be one part of the problem. Maybe app's window is sized for the smaller one BUT it's still in some way incorrect, because it's started on the bigger one…
It actually worked. Thanks! :] But know i see why - there is only one edge where you can hold to change size - only top (why?!?! why not bottom too?). Then you can change size - I can't increase it a lot ( it looks like there is still max height you can't exceed and it's like 3/4 of my screen's height) , but it's enough to see all the details.
I would like to see a scroll bar added in the future though. Maybe it's not that fancy, but there is no need for shamanic tricks and it always works.
I see now that I replied too chaotically. The `SUPER+Right-click` allows to change size from on both edges - bottom and top - that's correct. What I meant before, was that I realized you can change the height of the window in the usual way, but only by grabbing the top edge. It was so illogical to me that I didn't even think about it when I couldn't perform the action by grabbing the lower edge of the window. But now I know about `SUPER+Right-click` - the even more powerful option. ;) Thank you again for your help.