TZ370 SSL VPN not connecting

SonicOS 7.1.2-7019 recently updated from 7.0.1-5161-R6164. SSL VPN no longer functions after the firmware update. The SSL VPN functioned under 7.0.1-5161-R6164 but I cannot downgrade the firmware back to 7.0.1
I can telnet on port 4433 to the Sonicwall and load the virtual office page on port 4433 but clients using Sonicwall Mobile Connect or NetExtender get a Login Failed error when initiating the connection. I have tried diffeerent ports for the SSL VPN but the problem persists on different ports.
I have performed a factory reset and manually reconfigured the TZ370 and the SSL VPN but the problem persists.
Any ideas ?
@qprcanada you need to open a Ticket with SonicWall Support for this, to the best of my knowledge there is a hotfix for this which you need to request via MySonicWall.
It's a bummer considering the fact that 7.1.2 isn't fresh out of the oven anymore.