TZ270 v7.1.2 DNS Resolution Broken

I have a case open with Sonicwall support, but they seem to be stumped so I figured I'd give the community a shot. TZ270, latest firmware. Devices behind the firewall can resolve DNS no problem. The TZ270 itself cannot. No matter what DNS address I use, nothing resolves. Cant resolve the license manager so the firewall is showing as not registered. When doing a DNS lookup under Diagnostics, in the 'DNS Server Used' field, it's always blank. Under 'Check Network Settings' > 'Security Management' none of the services get 'Resolve host name failed'. Packet monitor shows the DNS request go out, comes back from the DNS server successfully, yet no resolve-o. I must have tried everything I've found online and even had a Senior Engineer from Sonicwall troubleshoot and nothing…
Any ideas?
I cannot verify this, it's working fine on my 7.1.2 deployment. Was your configuration migrated from an older version or did you updated from 7.0/7.1? My deployment was configured from the ground up after resetting to factory defaults.
Updated from 7.1.1 back in september. Started happening right after enabling the Cloud Secure Edge trial. I'm not sure if its the cause of the issue or just a coincidence.
Guillermo from SW support figured it out. I had enabled the free trial of Cloud Secure Edge as part of training and it adds a NAT Rule of 'Any - X1 - All Interface IP - Any' with source address 'WAN RemoteAccess Networks' above the normal NAT rule, so then any traffic out through X1 was coming from instead of the X1 IP. He created a new NAT rule above that one as a workaround for now. Anyone know how to get rid of a system generated NAT rule? 😃