DNS Policy floods log with "Max Connections exeeded packets"

I have SplitDNS configured and working on a TZ370 with currrent firmware. This means I have enabled DNS Proxy and this means I have a DNS Policy configured. Everything seems to work, but:
The System Log is flooded with events (ID 1689) "Drop DNS Policy Max Connections exeeded packets" (DNS Policy 1. max connections exeeded. max connection percentage: 100%). There is an event generated every minute.
All of these events have the same source IP (a Ubiquiti CloudKey) with a random port and the same destination IP (port 53 on the SonicWall).
Checking the connection monitor shows that the firewall has 140-160 open connections (= nearly nothing is going on), but checking the DNS Rule shows 320.000 connections (226.000 closed connection and 100.600 active connections)
What is going on? Why does the DNS Rule show so many connections? How can I prevent the logs beeing flooded?