AV Signature uploads fail & firewall expects new license keyset every single time?

I have 40 TZ400's and an NSa3600 manually managed as they are in secure environments. . All in the last few months have been a real hassle to update the AV signatures manually each week. I constantly get a status "Error: FAILED; Possibly a corrupt file: H. Get the latest keyset & signature file". I am getting the AV signature file from the Downloads section and I have tried getting it from the specific firewall too, but while there is a different signature file number, they both fail.
The only way to fix this is to then go into the specific firewall, on mysonicwall.com and download the license keyset, apply that and then no matter which AV signature I got, it will install fine.
Why is this occurring now? I have not changed the support package on any of them recently and I get the signatures the same way. All are running
Anyone else having this issue? Support has been unhelpful with a ticket I submitted last month. Are they trying to NOT support those that manually manage firewalls without connections to mysonicwall or to a management system?
If so, I will look elsewhere as I contemplate on my TZ400 replacements since they are nearing EOL.