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Quickbooks Online

TZ270 Router
We are experiencing issues with web based accounting sites such as Quickbooks Online. Page keeps stating it was reset and logged out of the site. Any idea what could be causing this?
Category: Entry Level Firewalls

Best Answer

    MarkDMarkD Cybersecurity Overlord ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    I'm basing this suggestion on how I know the firewall handles TCP/UDP connection, timeout. - not based on any experience of Quickbooks

    Specifically I see this with SIP TLS or SIP UDP

    The site is probably all dynamic content - not much you have control over its speed unless you are on a damp piece of string.

    And keep in mind creating a specific rule with the timeout. Appyling it to all HTTPS connections will exhaust the firewalls resources its only a baby.


  • MarkDMarkD Cybersecurity Overlord ✭✭✭

    sounds like the users are not actually doing anything fro a while and with TCP connection timeout is 15 minutes it will close the session.

    create a rule specifically for the destination and alter the TCP timeout, if you do it globally you risk exhausting the resources on the firewall

    Increase TCP or UDP connection timeout for specific connections | SonicWall

  • Thanks for the update. So if I change the WAN to LAN timeout for TCP from 15 minutes to 180 minutes do you anticipate any issues?
    Are there any other settings I can tweak that will make these portal websites work faster? They seem to be slow when working on web based accounting sites.
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