Advanced IDP goes... rogue
When I enable advanced IDP all my wireless devices are listed as Rogue including the Sonicwall gateway ports for those networks. Additionally every device is also listed as a Rogue access point including the Sonicwaves. I previously had this issue in SonicOS 6, but it appears to be back in SonicOS7. Other issues include logging all found wireless networks as "Rogue or MitM Access Point" Regardless of the name, or the fact the it is someone elses wifi network. Has anyone has any success with advanced IDP as it appears to be broken to me.
Category: SonicWave
Is your SonicWave432e running sw_spw_eng_9.1.4.7_7.bin.sig at present ? If yes, could you please try sw_spw_eng_9.1.5.0_9.bin.sig by manually setting firmware version from https://x.x.x.x/sonicui/7/m/diag page.
Brought this up with Sonicwall Support. Apparently this is still an issue in SonicOS7. The Patch that ALANZHOU suggested is the fix. Interesting that nothing has been changed in production. Guessing not many people are using advanced IDP.