Comments on migration tool for 2650 to 3700

Hi, all! Jsut a quick note: I used the migration tool to build a config from a patched 2650 and restored to a clean 3700. It actually went mostly well, with the exception of a few things not restoring and a couple things overwriting a basic config (like serial # ID of target device).
I did have one MAJOR issue that I've opened a ticket for and need to get back in touch with Sonicwall to have an online session: on this one firewall something borked the Log | Automation. I can't change any setting on any tab without getting a RED null value error. Basically it's rendered configuring Logs completely useless. I checked the Logs | Automation on a different unconfigured 3700 just now and it works as expected, so something in the restoration borked it. I'll likely try a test restore on this second 3700 to see if it was a one-off or is (what I believe) to be a bug in the migration tool.
Comments welcome (except "You can't do that!").
PS: "Tags" on this form doesn't have "NSA 3700" as an option.