Issue with Dual WAN on TZ370 - Port not lighting

Good Morning Everyone,
I am trying to connect two WAN connections (Comcast and Verizon) to a newly installed TZ370. I have Verizon configured on X1 and Comcast on X2. These are both working on a TPLink router they currently have that I am replacing with the TZ370, so the lines themselves work.
When I plug in the Verizon line, it won't light up or show any link. The cable seems to be fine (tested out and works in the TPlink). The Comcast lights up both X1 and X2, so those ports are OK. I have tried them plugged in together and one at a time - results are the same. I have not yet gotten to putting the forwarding rules in to move specific traffic out specific ports.
I am a bit at a loss on how to proceed from here with this. Any suggestions or help would be appreciated.
Think of what layer your issue is. If you are not getting a link light from the Verizon connection than the physical connection is the issue.
Considering you know that both ports on both devices work with other devices, what are some settings for physical connectivity?
Relevant reading:
Well, since I tried forcing the settings (speed, duplex, etc) at each setting, and tested the cable itself… I'm out of ideas, which why I'm asking here.
@STCNtech did you tried to put a mini switch between the non-working interface and the Modem/Router? Sometimes the Interfaces of the TZ are not playing nice with others.
Hi @BWC - I was thinking of doing that - maybe putting a dumb switch there to simply forward the traffic, but no I did not try that.
Try swapping the cables to X1 and X2 around. Which way does the problem go?
I did that - the Comcast lights up in each port, the Verizon connection doesn't light up anywhere.
I do agree there is something physical here - but short of calling Verizon about it, I'm not sure what else to do. I'm not really sure Verizon will care/help since one device lights up and the Sonicwall does not.