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TZ270 setup guidance.

Hi, my requirement is quite simple. I have created a MAC based address group ACCESS_FULLACCESS, user based groups ACCESS_LIMITED_USERS, ACCESS_RESTRICTED_USERS.

1. MAC based ACCESS_FULLACCESS Devices/PCs on LAN zone will have full access to all WAN internet and applications. No restrictions at all and needs no sonicwall login
2. User group ACCESS_LIMITED_USERS will have access to WAN internet and applications but need sonicwall login.
3. User group ACCESS_RESTRICTED_USERS will have a very limited access to WAN internet and applications but need sonicwall login.

User groups ACCESS_LIMITED_USERS, ACCESS_RESTRICTED_USERS will have to login the TZ270 portal before any access to the internet/applications.

I have created LAN to WAN access rules as above but not all the above rules are applying. if one rule is working, the other rules are not working. Looks like the order of rules have a say on what is working and what is not working.

Also I am confused on how to limit access to internet uri and applications. Can someone kindly specify the order of above rules, and guide on how to restrict access to specific/group of internet uri, and applications and are active on intended user group, mac address groups?

Category: Mid Range Firewalls


  • TKWITSTKWITS Community Legend ✭✭✭✭✭

    Try ordering your rules to be most restrictive first and least restrictive last.

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