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Export MFA

Is there a way to export the MFA and import onto another SMA 1000 series?

We have a 7200 and a 7210 both running 12.4.2 with HF 05844 for client and platform

One is the spare and never online. Only used when the active one fails.

We do not have CMS setup and is not an option for us at this time.

Category: Secure Mobile Access Appliances

Best Answer

    ViveksViveks SonicWall Employee
    edited October 1 Answer ✓

    Am assuming that by MFA you mean TOTP user accounts.

    Without CMS, you will need to export the configuration manually and import on the target appliance. You will also need to un-check the "Partial configuration" option while importing to get the TOTP user accounts. Be careful and validate the network settings and other appliance-specific settings (if any based on your deployment) because importing without partial flag means you will get everything from old appliance including appliance IP and other network settings. After importing, you can still change the imported configuration as per your need and then apply changes.
    Note: User-accounts under TOTP settings page will not show new users from imported config until you apply changes.


  • ViveksViveks SonicWall Employee

    I just found out that partial import of configuration will also include TOTP user accounts. So you dont really need to do full import just to get TOTP user accounts.

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