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I can't reach VPN after have changed internet Box

Hi, I recently have changed the internet box after putting the same config for the box than the previous one everything works normally but i still don't access in VPN to my network. I have a Firewall/vpn TZ300. the schema of my network :

And in SonicWall Global VPN Client i connect to

It was working on the previous box and now the IP config of the new one is exactly the same.

Anyone could help me or have any idea of what i should check first ?

Best Regards,

Have a nice day

Category: SSL VPN


  • TKWITSTKWITS Community Legend ✭✭✭✭✭

    "the IP config of the new one is exactly the same"

    Just because the IP address configuration is the same doesn't mean the other configurations are the same.

    Think about what the 'freebox' is doing for your network: does it act as more than a router? Does it NAT? Does it firewall?

    If its doing anything other than routing than those features need to be configured to allow access to your sonicwall.

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