Capture ATP drop big .Zip file

I receve this error:Gateway Anti-Virus Status: File too big. File forwarding to Sandbox truncated for filename: Test-Nobug-Transfert.
The firewall NSA 3700 with SonicOS 7.0.1-5161.
When in VPN (trought GVC) I transfert a file about 371MB the firewall drop connection. If I disable Atp on zip file the trasfert work.
You have suggestion about this problem, I remeber on the past it's fixed.
Category: Firewall Security Services
If I try to increase the value beyond 10240 (10 MB) it presents an error.
This is indeed a problem - we frequently transfer files a lot bigger and a surely would like them to be examined by Capture ATP….
@Simon_Weel thats the limitation of CATP. Theres currently no way around it.
@PietroCeribelli rather than disabling ZIP inspection I would suggest excluding your VPN Subnets from inspection.