Citrix incompatibilities since

Hi everybody,
still wondering if anybody is using an up to date Citrix Farm with the current Firmware successfully. Beginning with the Update the Citrix compatibility got more worse every time. For to work we needed to disable CSP (see attached Link) Even after this on every Desktop start you will get the message "Desktop could not be started" however it will start anyway. Beginning with Version this wont work anymore. The issue persist also on and the current 72. Issue can be reproduced like this: We still have CSP disabled. We open a Citrix Portal through the Citrix Bookmark and trying to start a Desktop or App. Citrix will show a message that the App/Desktop could not be started and nothing is happening. In the logfiles you can see that the ICA file gets send without an error message but it never reaches the client. We also tested http offloading and with IP and FQDN URL, this wont change anything. Also if you visiting the Citrix Portal without SMA you wont get any errormessage, not even the "Desktop could not be started" message. So it is clearly a SMA issue. Also we noticed in the Bookmark setting that it stated "tested Version is XenApp 7.6." This Version was released in 2016 and even if it was a LTSR it reached EOL at January 2021. Can you please inform us which Versions are you using successfull? Thanks in advance.
Just to update this, we got a private Fix end of September for this from Sonicwall DEV after some back and forth. They told us the fix would be included in the next release, unfortunately the fix is missing in and we have to wait for So if you are affected you need to wait or ask for the private fix.
Still no answer about the supported and tested Citrix Versions.
We are using 2402 LTSR CU1 with classic Storefront UI.