NSA 2650 randomly asks to register 2FA during login attempt.

I enabled 2FA on NSA 2650 with Google Authenticator today. I tried to login with 2FA code and emergency scratch code couple of times, and it worked.
After sometime I had to login again. To my surprise, NSA is again asking to register 2FA and displaying new emergency scratch code again. I registered again with and tried to login and it works.
Tried to login again after sometimes and it throws the same screen! Do not understand what's going on here.
Is it just only me or other smart folks here are also having this issues?
Appreciate any pointers!
Category: Firewall Management and Analytics
@dthapa do you have the latest Firmware installed?
Did you check as admin before logging again that the User is still listed at Local User, maybe there is something that resets the user. Is this user locally created or by LDAP/Radius?
@BWC Thanks for response. All users are local users. Even default admin user is facing this issue.
Yes, this unit is on latest firmware. Surprisingly, it's working perfectly on NetExtender login (thanks God, I am not facing Guantanamo Bay from remote users, at the least). I will try with Incognito mode and see if that helps.
Will report back here how it goes.
Seems like I found the solution to this problem. I had my SonicWALL units synced to local NTP server. When I checked the system time in my unit, noticed it was off a minute and few seconds from local time zone.
I made the following changes and things seems sorted out af of this moment.
I will post it here if things start going south again!