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How to access Internet Router Console through S to S VPN

Please help

Category: Entry Level Firewalls


  • prestonpreston All-Knowing Sage ✭✭✭✭

    you'll have to use source NAT for each of the (NAT it as coming from a different IP) on their firewalls in the NAT policies menu(or at least one of them it depends if the subnet clashes with any other destination networks)then add the Natted IP addresses to the local networks on VPN and and Head office add the Natted IP's in the Destination networks,then for example from the Head office when you want to go to at Site a you go to, and for site B you would go to, obviously change to use IP subnets you aren't using this is just an example

    no Natting needed on the Head office firewall

  • alijan125alijan125 Newbie ✭
    I am feeling little confuse can you describe simply sir branchwise what should I configure & where I mean in which branchs firewall
  • alijan125alijan125 Newbie ✭
    edited August 29

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