Anybody else experiencing issues since SonicOS 7.1.2-7019?
I upgraded our companies firewalls last week. One of our users reported not being able to connect via NetExtender anymore. After verifying his user settings I noticed that all the routes "VPN Access" had been removed. I tried re-adding them like all my other users but keep getting an error message "Address Object: Quotes are not allowed in the address object name! I've been using these address groups for years and nothing has changed other than the firmware update last week. And I do not have "quotes" in the name either.
Category: SSL VPN
We have no issues so far with 7.1.2. But we are using NetExtender only as a emergency VPN. I did a quick test: Create a test user, added some objects to the VPN Access networks ⇒ address object was added.
Could you check the user name for quotes? Somethinh lik "O'Connor"?
Similar issues have been reported here:
Wow, thanks for that! I thought I was going crazy.. It's funny how it only did it to 1 out of the 6 HA pairs I updated.