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Anybody else experiencing issues since SonicOS 7.1.2-7019?

sdeyoungsdeyoung Newbie ✭


I upgraded our companies firewalls last week. One of our users reported not being able to connect via NetExtender anymore. After verifying his user settings I noticed that all the routes "VPN Access" had been removed. I tried re-adding them like all my other users but keep getting an error message "Address Object: Quotes are not allowed in the address object name! I've been using these address groups for years and nothing has changed other than the firmware update last week. And I do not have "quotes" in the name either.

Category: SSL VPN


  • ItsIsOnlyMeItsIsOnlyMe Newbie ✭

    We have no issues so far with 7.1.2. But we are using NetExtender only as a emergency VPN. I did a quick test: Create a test user, added some objects to the VPN Access networks ⇒ address object was added.

    Could you check the user name for quotes? Somethinh lik "O'Connor"?

  • sdeyoungsdeyoung Newbie ✭

    Wow, thanks for that! I thought I was going crazy.. It's funny how it only did it to 1 out of the 6 HA pairs I updated.

  • KevinOKevinO Newbie ✭
    edited October 8

    Upgrade from 7.1.1-7058 to 7.1.2-7019 has caused SSL VPN users to lose settings, some address objects no longer function and are unable to be edited, the SSL VPN IP Pool to disappears and other oddities, communication fails with NSM.

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