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Bugs in firmware 7.1.2

MariuszMariusz Enthusiast ✭✭
edited August 2024 in Entry Level Firewalls

I suggest that you enter here any errors encountered in the new firmware, but not given in the ReleaseNotes file.
Two bugs in firmware 7.1.2-7019 (device TZ370)

  1. in the Capture ATP tab (Submit a Sample) I can't send a file for scanning. It displays an error in the red field at the top of the screen: "Error Uploading failed". Capturing and scanning incoming files works correctly.
  2. in the Dashboard/System/Summary/ tab it no longer displays information about threats from the SonicWall portal. The area is empty or information about a connection error (minor bug).
Category: Entry Level Firewalls


  • TKWITSTKWITS Community Legend ✭✭✭✭✭

    You should also be reporting these to support.

  • MariuszMariusz Enthusiast ✭✭

    3) I also noticed that in the /DNS Security/Reports section, some of information provided for host IP addresses is incorrectly associated with Hostname. With DNS Security enabled.

  • LarryLarry All-Knowing Sage ✭✭✭✭

    And to echo TKWITS' suggestion, please update with Support case numbers so we can also reference progress and tracking.

  • MariuszMariusz Enthusiast ✭✭

    Yes, a Support ticket is needed, but I wrote it here so that someone could confirm the errors I noticed.

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