Bugs in firmware 7.1.2

I suggest that you enter here any errors encountered in the new firmware, but not given in the ReleaseNotes file.
Two bugs in firmware 7.1.2-7019 (device TZ370)
- in the Capture ATP tab (Submit a Sample) I can't send a file for scanning. It displays an error in the red field at the top of the screen: "Error Uploading failed". Capturing and scanning incoming files works correctly.
- in the Dashboard/System/Summary/ tab it no longer displays information about threats from the SonicWall portal. The area is empty or information about a connection error (minor bug).
Category: Entry Level Firewalls
You should also be reporting these to support.
3) I also noticed that in the /DNS Security/Reports section, some of information provided for host IP addresses is incorrectly associated with Hostname. With DNS Security enabled.
And to echo TKWITS' suggestion, please update with Support case numbers so we can also reference progress and tracking.
Yes, a Support ticket is needed, but I wrote it here so that someone could confirm the errors I noticed.