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How to block ping and communication between all virutal interfaces.


There are few vlans created as virtual interfaces on X0 Interface with different subnets. Now there is a request from the customer to disable ping and stop/block the communication between these vlans created as virtual interfaces.

Can anybody help on this.

Category: Entry Level Firewalls

Best Answer

    BWCBWC Cybersecurity Overlord ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    @Satyanarayana_ENV are all interfaces part of the same zone or different zones?

    If possible I would disable "Interface Trust" on the LAN zone and see if this resolves your demand.

    I'am advocate for disabling the Automatic Rule Creation settings in all Zones, but you need manual configuration after that and some planning.



  • Michael@BWC

    Thank you for your quick reply. Yes all the interfaces are on the LAN zone. Will try to disable the interface trust and check.

    Will update after having this done.

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