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Netextender VPN And Outlook 2010 and 2021 (Not 365)

DWSinkDWSink Newbie ✭

i am having and odd issue, and cannot make heads or tails of what the issue is. We have self-hosted exchange, we recently upgraded an office, from Win 10 to 11, and 2010 to 2021. everything looks the same, host file, Windows firewall off, Netextender version, Outlook connection file are the same, only difference is Win version and Office version,

When the department connects to another area with the VPN, Outlook will disconnect, could be 5 min, or could be an hour. Thinking maybe something changed with the VPN, we reconnected the old box, with 2010, and have zero disconnect.

is there something different that i am not thinking of that would allow Win 10, and 2010 to connect, and not Win 11, and 2021?



Category: VPN Client
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