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Cannot Get SSL VPN Certificate Installed Using NSM On Sonicwall TZ670

I'm hoping somebody can help me with this. I have an SSL VPN certificate that is up for renewal. Previously, I successfully did this process using the following steps:

  • Log in to the Sonicwall TZ670, go to Certificates and generate the CSR.
  • Copy the CSR in to the Certificate Authority website and successfully download new cert.
  • Log in to the Sonicwall TZ670, go to Certificates and import the new cert.
  • Import the CA bundle (downloaded with new cert) so that the cert is validated.
  • Go to the SSL VPN section and select the new cert from the dropdown box.

However, when I go to renew the cert, the Sonicwall TZ670 is now being managed by Network Security Manager. I have followed the procedure in the online documentation.

  • Log in to the NSM interface and navigate to Manager View | Global Objects | Certificates.
  • Generate the CSR, copy to Certificate Authority website, and successfully generate new cert.
  • Import new cert in to Manager View | Global Objects | Certificates.
  • Clicked Install Certificate and installed new cert on selected device Sonicwall TZ670
  • In Firewall view on Sonicwall TZ670, observed new cert installed, but with validated status blank.
  • Imported CA bundle (downloaded with new cert) but cert validated status remains blank.

I have tried this procedure a number of times, but I can never get the new cert to appear with validated status to yes, which is required before the SSL VPN allows you to choose the new cert from the dropdown box. Has anybody done this successfully, because it just doesn't seem to work?

thanks in advance,

Category: Mid Range Firewalls
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