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Translation through VPN-WAN

I have an interesting situation and would like to know if the following is possible:

Site 1 Houses a VoIP Server; gives access to Site 2's Public IP and TCP 8887 Management Port Only (No access to non-SonicWall FIrewall or other parts of it's network).
Site 2 is an office with a SonicWall/static IP; access to VoIPs Server's Management interface can be accessed by:


Site 3 is managed by a SonicWall and has a Site-To-Site VPN to Site 2, with full access to Firewall and all Subnets, but no access to Site 3. So the question is, what can be done so that Site 3 can type http://site2.hostname:8887/ and also access Site 1…maybe through the VPN Tunnel, then mask itself as the public IP for Site 2, which is allowed access?

Is this possible?


Category: Firewall Management and Analytics


  • ArkwrightArkwright All-Knowing Sage ✭✭✭✭

    You can do a NAT policy to handle this but it would be bidirectional NAT in the sense that Site 1 would see the connection originating from Site 2's IP rather than Site 3's.

    The alternative to NAT is to route the traffic between sites over VPN tunnels, although I think when you say "No access to non-Sonicwall firewall" you mean you don't have admin access to it? In which case, you can't do that.

  • joshuamariusjoshuamarius Newbie ✭

    Thanks so much for taking the time to answer.

    1. What would this Bi-Directional Policy look like?
    2. The Non-SonicWall Site (3) has limited options unfortunately. They would not do a VPN and only opened the port to the static public IP of Site 2 and would not allow for anything else.

    Thanks again.

  • ArkwrightArkwright All-Knowing Sage ✭✭✭✭

    Your NAT policy will need to have the "Translated Source" set to an IP on the Site 2's firewall, and "Translated Destination" would be whatever "site2.hostname" is,

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