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NetExtender Initializing engine...failed!

ChaddChadd Newbie ✭

Getting this error on one machine. 29 identical other machines are working just fine… it's just this one. We've tried older versions, and we've tried the newest version. All of them give this same error to anyone who tries to log in to NetExtender. We used the NXCleaner tool in safe mode, then reinstalled. Same thing.

Any ideas to get this resolved?

Category: SSL VPN


  • MarkDMarkD Cybersecurity Overlord ✭✭✭

    Id start with looking at the NXlogs and enabling the Debug Log Option

  • BoshBosh Newbie ✭

    in device manager i removed a tunnel adapter that corresponded with a netextender network adapter in the network adapter screen and that fixed the issue

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