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how to authenticate user via local user using web log in?


We are trying to authenticate users via local user forcing to redirect to the web lan interface of the sonicwall but seems that does not work.

The steps that we followed were:

1.- On the lan interface we enable user login.

2.- create local users with the profile of trusted user.

3.-Adding a lan to Wan access rule on the service adding http/HTTPS and DNS services and trusted user instead of all.


1.- ping to dns of google and we dont receive any reply.

2.- Log in with a local user previosuly already created.

3.- It does not open the page.

4.- after trying differents domains of web pages with no internet exit. When you types any number for instance the public ip addres of another firewall it redirect to the web page of sonicwall. It is a little weird tha only typing an ip address redirects to the lan interface page of the sonicwall and it works the configuration otherwise it does not work.

I would than you any kind of help


Category: Entry Level Firewalls
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