Capture ATP in CSC shows no data following an error message

A client's TZ600 with AGSS is loaded in CSC along with Management and Analytics.
I went to Capture ATP - Status and got an error message:
-- The serial number or api key provide is not valid or the license expired
Following that, the screen completes and the result is: no files scanned (and of course, no malicious files found).
A search on Google shows no hits for that exact message.
Short of contacting support, generating a ticket, and getting nowhere fast, does anyone in this community know what this is?
Updated: To include CATP status, which shows the fact that this service is enabled, along with the API key...
Category: Capture Security Center
Hello @Larry,
This was a reported issue a while ago for GMS 8.4. I see a few cases like this where it got resolved after synchronization by the backend team regarding licenses.
You can mention about DTS# 195005 so that support knows what we are dealing with. Unfortunately, it is more of a sync issue which only support can get escalated to the concerned team.
Shipra Sahu
Technical Support Advisor, Premier Services
I opened a case: 43436645. Let's see how long it takes to get picked up - and if what you say helps.
@shiprasahu93 , have you encountered the following error with Capture ATP - Status?
Update failed: Invalid Page
There was an unknown error accessing this page
Because I am now getting this on other client sites...
I have seen that but it had worked for me from a different browser. Could you please try with a different browser?
Shipra Sahu
Technical Support Advisor, Premier Services
Fails in both Firefox and Chrome - both at current software versions.
Current status of 43436645: SW support filed JIRA for backend team to review MAR-18733- Case set to waiting on engineering
The error:
Update failed: Invalid Page
There was an unknown error accessing this page
Is clearly in the CSC cloud-based code / back-end because looking at Capture ATP on the client shows valid data.
The first case has been closed as a duplicate of the second because the client's Flow Status was down at the time of the incident.
30 minutes on a remote session with another technician to convince same that there was a problem. No telling when this might get fixed...
<Rant mode on>
The fact that it takes a full 24-hour cycle to get a back-end team member to weigh in on an existing problem is annoying.
The fact that what SonicWall's marketing teams and channel partner teams push as a "next generation," "world class," and "leading" environment is as brittle and broken as it is aggravating.
As a partner, I was told that going to CSC was to help make my job of managing my client's devices and licenses better and easier. Instead, it has been hour after hour of distraction as features fail to operate as described. It has been three weeks since I first introduced licenses for Analytics to my client's UTMs. I have not been able to report on anything because either the Flow Status or the VPN status was down. And now, one of the other features is not working, for reasons unkown.
The fact that I have willingly put up with this type of behavior for a few years is now starting to disgust me.
<Rant mode off>
Obviously, it is not a good Friday morning for this SW partner...
Requested by Support to open Chrome Console and access the page. Final error message sure looks like a SonicWall back-end problem:
Can anyone tell me if MAR-18733 is a JIRA tracking number? And if so, what's the status?
Yes, @Larry.
MAR-18733 is the Jira tracking number. I see that the case is assigned to a senior engineer as well as he is actively working with Development on it. Feel free to ask for status updates for the Jira number on the case if he has not sent you already.
Shipra Sahu
Technical Support Advisor, Premier Services