Getting started with MySonicwall API and PowerShell

I've gone through the steps of setting up the MSW key. I'm able to successfully retrieve the list of cloud tenants but if I try performing a get against the applicable mssp product and services, I get a 401 unauthorized. I'm sending the same header information with both requests, but it doesn't work. I understand that I might be missing required fields, but shouldn't that generate an invalid query message rather than unauthorized?
$script:MswKey=<MSW Key> $script:headers = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[[String],[String]]" $headers.Add("Content-Type","application/json") $headers.Add("X-API-KEY",$script:MswKey) $uri='' $Response=Invoke-RestMethod -Headers $script:headers -Uri $uri -Method Get $tenants=$response.content.arrTenants $tenants
This first query works without issue. If I do the same thing again, except query a different URI, I get a 401 unauthorized.
$script:MswKey=<MSW Key> $script:headers = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[[String],[String]]" $headers.Add("Content-Type","application/json") $headers.Add("X-API-KEY",$script:MswKey) $uri='' $Response=Invoke-RestMethod -Headers $script:headers -Uri $uri -Method Get $Response
So, what about this second command causes it to generate a 401 unauthorized error? What am I missing? From the documentation, this query supports TenantID, serviceid, serialnumber and Mode parameters, but no indication of what these actually are and if they are required or optional. I found one of our TenantIDs and included that in the query, but it made no difference. I still get 401 unauthorized.
Hi @Michael_McCool -This API Endpoint is allowed only for Partners-
If you are still facing this issue, could you please open a case and share your username so that we can check this.