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VPN Dedicated Firewall

I have a client that wants to dedicate one of their NSA's to be used for VPN access only. Then their other NSA will handle all other traffic. I don't see any issues with this. However, how would you suggest locking down the VPN NSA so no other traffic flows though it?


Category: Mid Range Firewalls


  • ArkwrightArkwright All-Knowing Sage ✭✭✭✭

    I think to answer this question properly, you would need to explain what the purpose of setting things up like this would be. I will have a stab at it though.

    • The "all other" firewall would be the default gateway for the internal networks
    • There would be a link between the "all-other" and VPN firewalls
    • The "all other" firewall would have static routes to all the VPN networks pointing at the VPN firewall.
    • The VPN firewall would have static routes to the internal networks pointing at the "all other" firewall
    • Both firewalls would have their WAN link(s) as their default gateway.

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