How to assign Userbase bandwidth?

I want to assign userbase bandwidth in my firewall.
I am using SSO.
I have checked KB Articles, but I didn't find anything there.
So thought lets ask to our experts, if they have found some solution regarding this issue.
Firewall - TZ270
Firmware - SonicOS 7.1.1-7040
Category: Firewall Management and Analytics
Hi @dp8 ,
My advice is not using user base bw. you should use Group base bw.
1) you can create bw groups in AD and name like 5-10bw, 10-20bw, 20-30 etc...
2) Create bw objects like 5-10bw, 10-20bw, 20-30 etc... under Object/Profile Objects/ Bandwith
3) create Application rules for these AD groups and assign bw object.
4) assign the users in the ad groups and firewall automatically fetch from AD and apply the bw .
Otherwise user base bw will be too complicate and firewall will increase cpu usage.
Hi @MitatOnge,
Thanks for the answer, I am sure this answer will help me in some other cases, but currently, I require a user base BW. (even without SSO, cause many clients ask for this as well.)
Why is it difficult to assign a single user base BW? while other brands allow it with ease.
Why Sonicwall can't, What could be the security risk in it?
I would like to point out the some details. I do not want to be misunderstood. You can set user base bw. but I don't advice if you have a lots of bw rule. As I mentioned my first message. you can do same way. just change the group name as user name.