SD-WAN sla class object probe time

Good afternoon, i'm trying to understand how the sd-wan interface selection works and if it is possible to edit some parameters.
For example, if i have a SD-WAN with 3 interfaces and my sla class object is the default lowest latency from sonicwall:
1- what is the time interval between interface selection (every 1 sec, 3secs, 5secs?)
2- does the sd-wan check the latency in the exact moment or does it calculate a media value of the last minute?
3- is there any way i can create an sla class obect with a fixed % for packet loss + lowest latency?
Thanks in advance, if there is a document that explains it please do share, i just didn't find one that addresses this questions.
Best regards,
Help 🙏 i really can't find this info anywhere