Netextender not running correctly

Good morning,
I have a problem with the Netextender software on my computer. When I open it, this window appears and I can't do anything at all:
I try to put any parameter in the fields to fill out, but there is no button to accept, cancel, or anything. I press enter but it doesn't do anything either.
If I try to access NetExtender settings from the Windows bar, the software crashes and closes.
I have reinstalled from several different versions and the same thing happens to me in all of them.
I currently have version 10.2.338 installed, although if I look at it from the "About" button on the Windows bar icon, it tells me that I have version 0.0.0 (1):
I have even tried creating another Windows user and the same thing happens.
I have all available Windows 10 updates installed...
I use Windows 10 Professional
Any idea what is happening?
Thanks greetings.
Don't know if it's related, but I updated my home pc to Windows 11 last week. After that, Windows Defender reported it could not activate core isolation because of an unsafe driver. That turned out to be a driver for NetExtender, which I had installed once, but removed a while back, leaving the driver behind. After deleting the driver file, I could switch on core isolation.
Don't know if Windows 10 does the same thing, but it could be worth having a look at Windows Defender?
I just tried to disable windows defender and the firewall but it's still the same...
I have also tried installing the optional Windows 10 updates but nothing.
We ran into this issue on multiple devices at our office using version 10.2.341. We ended up uninstalling & reinstalling each time to resolve it (which got old). Not sure if this was a NetXtender issue or something with our AV possibly? It appears this may have been addressed in the newer version 10.3.1 (Issue ID: SMA-5499 is my hope). I just upgraded our firewall firmware and my NetXtender last night and will be testing it.
Update: We have run into numerous computers we CAN'T install 10.3.1 on for some reason (I have a different thread for that issue) and continue to fight this issue on laptops with 10.2.341
I did find out you don't have to reinstall it when this happens though. It's simply that the service is NOT restarting on reboot (despite being set to automatic).
1. Completely exit NetExtender (Right-click -> Exit from system tray)
2. Launch Services.msc using “Run as Administrator” (if they aren't an admin)
3. Provide Admin credentials
4. Start the SonicWall NetExtender Service (it will likely be stopped)
5. Restart NetExtender
I'm going to test changing the Service Startup Type to Automatic (Delayed Start) with a user that has had the issue multiple times and see if that might help? Might just be a timing thing on service startup on reboot? Will probably check event logs for the service stopping as well.
Also thinking I could potentially write a batch file to perform the tasks listed above…….. not sure about the admin access part though.
My test batch file works (when run as admin).
taskkill /im NetExtender.exe
net stop SonicWall_NetExtender_Service
net start SonicWall_NetExtender_Service
Start "" "C:\Program Files\SonicWall\SSL-VPN\NetExtender\NetExtender.exe"
You can throw a pause in at the end if you want to see everything happen. The net stop command is probably unnecessary since the service appears to always be stopped already anyway, but just in case.
FYI, for anyone having issues installing 10.3.1, @ClintConner posted a fix in this thread:
Basically, if you install/reinstall 10.2.31 from the EXE version installer, you can then install 10.3.1 (exe version) over the top of it.
If you previously installed from the MSI version, you'll have to:
Uninstall 10.2.341 (msi version) - EXE version wouldn't install over the top of the msi version.
Install 10.2.341 (exe version)
Install 10.3.1 (exe version)