Release Notes GVC 4.10.4 - where are you?

in VPN Client
Hi there,
did anyone got the Release Notes of the latest GVC client, because they are not available through MSW? "The resource you are looking for has been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable."
It became a bad habit to release new software without the Release Notes.
Category: VPN Client
Best Answer
Nevyaditha Moderator
Hi @BWC ,
I am able to download the Release notes I am attaching the Release notes for reference for GVC 4.10.4
Please try now.
I hope this helps.
Nevyaditha P
Technical Support Advisor, Premier Services
Hello @BWC,
I'm also facing the same issue with error "The resource you are looking for has been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable." when specifically trying to download the release notes of GVC version
Looks like the issue is pertained to only GVC version
Please give me sometime, let me try to approach the respective team to notify the issue and come up with a resolution.
Thanks for waiting.
Saravanan V
Technical Support Advisor - Premier Services
Professional Services
Hello Michael@BWC,
Thanks for notifying us. I have created an IT ticket internally to track this problem.
I will keep this thread updated.
Shipra Sahu
Technical Support Advisor, Premier Services
@BWC - I have reported the issue to our MySonicWall back-end team via bug report and they are working on the same. I'll keep this thread updated accordingly.
Please stay tuned!!!
Saravanan V
Technical Support Advisor - Premier Services
Professional Services
Hi @BWC,
Just got an update from the MySonicWall team that the issue has been fixed. I have confirmed it as well. The download of the release notes should happen now.
Please check and revert back if any issues further.
Thanks for your patience.
Saravanan V
Technical Support Advisor - Premier Services
Professional Services