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Monitor Package not show start connection from LAN

For some reason, when I access the packet monitor and mark a station on the internal network as the source IP, it does not show it initiating the connection with an external site, only the response from the external site to the local station. Is there any configuration that needs to be performed to monitor the SYN/TCP of the internal network?

IP Local:

IP External:

But in monitor dont show anything start with

Category: Mid Range Firewalls


  • BWCBWC Cybersecurity Overlord ✭✭✭

    @BrunoBastos you should see the SYN Packet as well.

    It should work if you set the Packet Monitor configuration back to Default and configure it like this:

    General -> Monitor Filter
    EtherType: IP
    IP Type: TCP,UDP
    Source IP Address:
    Destination IP Addreess:    (if it's the only address you're looking for)
    Enable Bidirectional Address ....: Enabled
    as shown, leave all three checkboxes unchecked
    General -> Display Filter
    Leave everything at Detault

    As long as the whole TCP Stream is routed through the SNWL you should see it in the Packet Monitor.


  • BrunoBastosBrunoBastos Newbie ✭

    Thanks, its work

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