Routed VPN tunnels, with no tunnel IP

In SonicOS we can create an IPsec policy with Policy Type "Tunnel Interface". Then create routes that use this interface. No need to create a interface on top of that with an IP address [but you can if you like].
Is this a Sonicwall-proprietary thing? If it's not, what's the name of it? Is it an "unnumbered VTI"?
Category: Mid Range Firewalls
@Arkwright unnumbered VTI sounds right to me. I never used it for something else besides SNWL-to-SNWL, IIRC there was a Teldat/Bintec which worked too.
I'am currently thinking about to have the VTIs numbered, because it gives more options, like binding a Network Probe to it and maybe have some simple VPN monitoring because of the weird SNMP options for that.