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Global VPN clients cannot route traffic to another FW


I have 2 FWs in different physically close locations, they connect to each other by a radio link between which there is a site-to-site VPN established, the main site has a global VPN so that it can be accessed externally.

The problem I have is that internally the traffic is routed well when I want to reach resources between the sites but when connected by VPN I can only reach the main site where I have this VPN configured.

I've tried creating routes, access policies and nothing.

When I perform a tracert the first jump can no longer even identify it.

Please help! 😅

Category: Entry Level Firewalls


  • TonyATonyA SonicWall Employee

    Hi @JGs

    You will need to add the remote firewall network in the VPN networks for the users that need access to the remote firewall. You will also need to make sure on the local firewall, that in the VPN settings you have the GVC network included in the local subnets, and on the remote firewall, to have the GVC subnet in the remote subnet.

    This article will explain it better, and have the steps to accomplish this:

    Users unable to access remote Site to Site VPN network through GVC or SSL-VPN. | SonicWall

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