DHCPv6 /56 Prefix Deligation
I have a TZ-670 currently running SonicOS 7.1.1-7040-R5387. With the 6.x version of SonicOS you were able to set a preferred prefix delegation with a prefix length. My ISP provides both a /64 and /56 prefix but without this hint with the prefix length in the preferred prefix delegation I only get the /64.
Since it is best practice to not subdivide a IPv6 /64 and I have IPv6 on multiple interfaces in different zones I would really like to get back to getting the /56 prefix.
Also along the same lines when I was able to get a /56 prefix delegation there was no easy way to assign addresses from this on more than one interface without having to include the entire /64 subnet address from the /56 delegation.
(Yes this is a reposting of a question I had from almost 2 years ago and still no one sooms to have an idea on if this is possible)
Wanted to give an update. It seems that an update is in engineering and has a Next Action : Waiting for QA validation for HF firmware.