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Bandwidth in site-to-site vpn

We have two office units. In one unit we have a TZ400 firewall. We are thinking about purchasing a new sonicwall firewall TZ370 in our second ( new ) unit. If we configure site-to-site VPN between our two offices, what is the max bandwidth ( practical values ) that we can get with these devices?

Category: Entry Level Firewalls


  • A_ElliottA_Elliott Enthusiast ✭✭

    depends on:

    -speed of your internet pipe at each location

    -QoS settings

    -amount of users at each location

    -security services used at each location/on each firewall

    (all of the above come into play for each firewall's load)

    I don't think I've tested from a TZ to TZ in a long time, but with 1gbps/1gpbs DIA fiber at all locations, I can do an iperf test and see 300-800mbit/sec between my TZ470s and my NSa2700. The TZ670 often stays on the upper end of that. I have all security services, including DPI-SSL inspection on, although the tests have been done mainly during off-hours so I can get a picture of the potential speeds with an "idle" network. (obviously some stuff is always doing something, but no users/no guest network full of phones and such to muck up the tests)

    I will say that in my experience, that TZ400 will be your limiting factor in reaching maximum bandwidth, assuming your internet speeds aren't.

  • ArkwrightArkwright All-Knowing Sage ✭✭✭✭

    Per the TZ400 spec sheet, 900Mbps is the upper limit for IPsec traffic. If you are inspecting the VPN traffic with other services as well, you can expect lower throughput.

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