How to identify android apps calling out to China?

I purchased a Lenovo M10 Plus 3rd Gen android tablet for a client and started to configure it for delivery.
My SonicWall TZ270W has geo-IP blocking enabled on both LAN and Wi-Fi.
During one of my configuration sessions, I took a look at the firewall log, and found multiple instances (more than 50 in a 3 hour span) where it was blocking responses from China - mostly from telecom company IP addresses.
I realize this is a SW-specific forum, but can anyone tell me how to determine exactly what app or function is "phoning home" so I can disable it?
Category: Entry Level Firewalls
Used it in the past, but not recently. I think youd need to pay for it for all the features you are looking for.
@TKWITS I had found references to that late yesterday evening. Regrettably, the developer has not updated the app since Sept 2020. It doesn't function at all in Android 13.
Options are limited it seems, unless you can enable developer mode on it.