poor performance - cloud/web based system

Hi all, we are having ongoing performance issues with our cloud based job management system. webpages hang on *loading* messages or *spinning circles*
Firewall - NSA4700 (firmware etc all up to date)
Internet is 1gb leased line
Packet monitor not showing any dropped packets.
We have excluded the site url and ip from content filter, gateway AV, intrusion prevention, spyware is disabled. (also tested with all these services disabled) created a LAN-WAN policy for the url and ip and disabled the DPI stuff.
We have tested the site through our back BT ADSL line bypassing the SonicWALL, all works fine.
Had SonicWALL looking at it few times, thought try this before going back to them!
Cheers 😐️
I'd suggest to check on the browser, the "Developer Tools" feature to investigate if any file(s) fail to load when attempting to access the URI. You can access "Developer Tools" on Chrome with the shortcut [Ctrl + Shift + I]
thanks mustafa, yeah we have been down the HAR files route with the supplier and didn't get too far, we see some stuff maxing out as "waterfall" but seems to eventually load..... tried different browsers etc. affects everyone on the LAN, different machines and browsers.. but as i said it look fine when we are bypassing the sonicwall on our backup line,
Hi @lrlsh75
Somewebsite uses a lots of different source links in the web aplications during page loading. in the packet monitor and display tabs. only source ip base filter. not source and destination ip.
thanks mate, yeah we have been picking up these ip's and excluding them also, but making no difference... I've disabled all security services on the firewall this morning to test, but still same issues,,,, also still testing fine bypassing the SonicWALL..
you are welcome.
do you use dns security service on the firewall? and what is your firewall firmware version?
There must be something different in the developer tools network trace between the page load working fine on one line and loading slowly through the Sonicwall. This is your best hope of tracking the issue down.
@MitatOnge no, all security features are currently switched off, we had dns going through cisco umbrella, disabled that too, just using isp dns at moment..... firmware SonicOS 7.0.1-5145
@Arkwright we have been trying to pick up disfferent ip's and urls we see connecting and adding them to whitelists, to now still no joy.