Feature Request for SonicWALL NetExtender VPN client

The application needs the ability to work better for those with visual impairment. We have a user at our law firm that needs to use the client but it is difficult for them. They use an application called JAWS from Freedom Scientific to read items on the screen. NetExtender has limited reading ability. Also, the application need the ability to use short cut keys to move around and enable and disable the connection. You can also not tab to the connect button that is only usable if you can see and move the mouse to the button and click on it. When you launch the application Jaws does not read that the curser is in the username field so if she is uncertain where the curser is she has to press the tab button and it reads out to her Password so she has to press Alt + Tab to move back to the Username field which JAWS will read out to her that she is in the field to enter her user name.
I have no experience with screen readers, but do they work with the CLI? There is a CLI netextender installed along with it, perhaps you could try that.
+1 to better accessibility
+1 One type of vpn client software for all Operting systems.
+1 for all of the above