Access Web Interface

Hi, We have a power cut and the Firewalls all seem to be working OK when Power came back on, only thing is that I cannot access the web interface or anything on the management network.
The orange light is flashing on the Shield Icon, I think that might be my services, services are just out of date and hopefully new licence will go on today.
We have HA in place as well.
when I plug a console cable in nothing happens
plug into the X0 on the HA Firewall but cannot access anything on the network, or ping anything.
Not sure if the FW came back up on Safe Mode or not
Any ideas on how to try and get access to the Web Interface.
Hi, sorry should have said TZ670
Any firewall that is passing traffic is not in safe mode, that's for sure.
Try the console port on both [although I have never seen a console port go bad]. If it doesn't work on either then it's the serial settings on your device or it's the cable.
Hi, thanks for the update and good to know about safe mode, will investigate a bit more