Problem with ssl vpn windows 11

Just got new client who has a TZ 300 running Firmware SonicOS Enhanced
I know its very old and the whole thing needs to be replaced but they have an issue with vpn connections from windows complaining about the ssl cert. It is using the self sign certificate. I tried to regenerate the cert and reboot the firewall but it did not solve the issue. On windows 10 it complains but lets you continue. On Win 11 it will not connect and doesn't give you a choice.
Other than buying a real cert is their something I can do quickly to fix this issue?
Category: Entry Level Firewalls
Buying a real cert is a quick fix, but I suppose you could import the self-signed cert locally to each machines trusted cert store... Spending hours doing that sure is a quick fix...
I agree and want to get an ssl cert. What do I put as the common name as they connect using an ip address and that points to the isps domain name
If they have an active maintenance contract, which they should, you could try installing the latest firmware on the TZ300. That device is seriously behind in security patches, as in 3-4 years old!
Look for the 3&Free upgrade, think the promo is still running and you can upgrade to a new TZ370 series. We do the 3&Free upgrades on all our units for extra savings.
Back to your question:
We are in the process of replacing our TZ300W's with TZ370W's and have not encountered any issues with Win11 users connecting to them at any point. Again, could be outdated firmware.
Also make sure you are using the latest Global VPN client, you didn't mention the version, the latest is