Routing to Global VPN Client Users

Notes about routing Global VPN Client Users within my company.
OSPF is used for routing internally. Until I implemented the fix, below, I had to add a static route in one of the routers to send traffic to VPN connected users at the SonicWall.
- Configuring Global VPN Client. Using the wizard works well to configure new or to update WAN VPN.
- DHCP over VPN. 2 DHCP server support the organization so I want the SonicWall to use the servers. Configure DHCP over VPN to send request to the internal servers. I specified the x.x.x.1 address as the 'relay IP address'. This assured that the IP matched the network for the VPN users
The VPN users connected and got an IP address, but routing did not work. The next step fixed the routing
- Add static route to SonicWall, so the route propagates to OSPF to the rest of the company
- “Route to Global VPN Client” From: Any To: Net-VPN-Pool Via: Interface X1, X1 Default Gateway.
The WAN GroupVPN document above is very good. The wizard confirmed that my VPN setup was right. The missing hint was routing. The static route did the trick.
Category: Mid Range Firewalls