Allow client on LAN unfettered WAN access

I have TZ270 with dozens on clients in a complex residential network. One of the clients is adversely affected by something in the firewall-- i suspect one of blacklists or spyware filters. I can connect this client outside the PZ270 and it works fine, but inside on the LAN it fails. The device is trusted, so I would like to put it in a DMZ -like zone that bypasses all the good firewall features, but I cannot physically connect it elsewhere than the LAN zone. Is there a solution to this? I have tried a VLAN, but I cant get the device to be on the VLAN with DHCP.
Pardon the newbie question :)
Best Answer
SteveGoldband Newbie ✭
NVM. I added the client to 'exclude from security services' address group. problem solved