SSL-VPN Sessions vs Active Users

Trying to figure this out. There is usually a discrepancy between what shows in SSL-VPN Sessions and Active Users.
At times, there will be results in Active Users that I know are connected via SSL VPN but they don't show up in SSL-VPN Sessions.
We also have the issue of expired/disconnected SSL-VPN sessions still showing up in Active Users. This can days sometimes that they are still showing.
Anybody experience this?
Category: SSL VPN
On a slightly older release of Gen6 I see that Users -> Status != SSLVPN -> Status. The Users bit shows duplicates with absurdly long session times, yet SSLVPN looks "normal".
On a firewall with more recent firmware, there is no discrepancy.
Both firewalls have the "SSLVPN Inactivity Check:" ticked.
In conclusion, update your firmware.
We are on the latest build