I have a TZ 300 which has been replaced once and now failed again.

Can I upgrade to a higher throughput device? We are crippled by a device which keeps crashing with network and internet throughput blocked. This has been going on intermittently for at least a month and is not acceptable. Simply trading out this device may not be a viable alternative. This is the second replacement of the device. This one worked for about 8 months and now is unusable. How can this be upgraded to a better device and what help should I get for replacing a device which has been terribly unreliable and has destroyed my office productivity, and cost me thousands of dollars in wasted time and multiple calls which have not solved anything.
@JackGoldstein you should take advantage of the current promotional trade up which is valid until Dec 31st. Get in touch with a SonicWall partner of your choice. You could go as high as the TZ 670, but this depends on your requirements.
Any suggestion for a "Partner"? After the tremendous wasted time trying to get this Firewall to keep working and now on #3, would it make sense to go with another company? It is very difficult to deal with support which has been less than ideal. I have been trying to get this working for over a month with constant crashes and no solution.
Thanks Jack
I'am in no position to recommend a partner but maybe if you drop some general information where you're located maybe some of the great members near you can chime in.
Or use this: https://www.sonicwall.com/partner-locator/ if you don't want to enter personally identifiable information on a forum.