Salesforce Auto-Confirmation mails - over and over again

in MySonicWall
Is anyone else receiving the same "Auto-Confirmation" mails from Salesforce (MySonicWall) over and over again, regarding that a ticket is closed? I've got the same mail "Auto-Confirmation 44000359 - Certificate issue post 10.0.18" around a dozen times already.
I already contacted Customer support, but maybe it's a broader problem.
@Community Manager do you know anything about it?
Category: MySonicWall
Thank you for notifying us.
I am checking with our internal teams and will get back to you.
For now, is it only that one case or other cases as well?
Hi @TonyA it was just this one case for any reason, but it stopped after 13 mails, lucky thirteen I guess.
Thanks @BWC
We don't have any other reports at this time, but if it does happen again, DM me here or create a new ticket and ask on the ticket to assign it to me (Anthony Arecchi) and we will take a look.
Thanks again for bringing this to our attention.