Address Object Routing Question - NSA 2650

I have a DHCP IP range defined with an address object on our NSA2650 to use internet from a specific interface, X1. (This is entered as a Route Policy)
I also have one of those DHCP IP's defined as an address object, let's say - PC1.
My question is, Can I add another Route Policy to steer PC1 to use internet from another interface, X3, even though it is in the range of the first mentioned Route Policy?
I know I can set PC1 to a static that is not in that DHCP range and direct that one IP with a Route Policy, but there would be a lot of work involved. Just seeing if I can do it using existing IP assignments and Routing?
@damonblank a more specific Address Object used as Source in your Route Policy will result in a higher Priority. Check the Order of priorities in the admin guide for details.
But how do you make sure that the PC1 object always fits your dynamically assigned address? Do you plan to use MAC address as type? This object type is not selectable in Routing Policies.