soho global vpn problem

hello, I have a problem with global vpn and a soho 250 with firmware SonicOS Enhanced
When I try to connect, the Gvpn connection answer "the number of users has exceeded the gateway license" but is only me searching to connect to it, I'm doing a test, the firewall is licensed, someone could help me ?
thanks a lot
Category: Entry Level Firewalls
@Alfredo SOHO 250 is a Gen6 Appliance and should run 6.x, you're sure about the model number?
Latest Firmware for 5.x is, you might try it with that.
If you have a look at the License Page of your Firewall, it shows the correct values for licensed GVPN?
hi Michael, thanks for your interest
this is what I see in administration page
Product Code:12800
for the license
• The SonicWall is licensed for 5 Nodes/Users (0 in use).
• Node License Exclusion List contains 0 excluded nodes.
so you see noone is used,
I', using glovpn client downloaed from internet
where i could find the new firmware ?
and thanks a lot again
@Alfredo as always, Firmwares are available on MySonicWall you have to login with the credentials where the unit is assigned to.
Node License isn't relevant for VPN, what does "Global VPN Client" says on the Licensing Page. The unit is pretty old, but wasn't there a limitation on that unit that it could be used only as a client and not server for vpn? Not sure about, it's to long ago.
Hi, but the global vpn client is free to use or i need buy a license ?
I suppose no, but maybe...
thanks ☺️
The firewall you're connecting to has to have the Global VPN licenses, the Client is free but requires a "Server" license.