Sonicwall content filtering/block with passphrase

Wondering if anyone has got this working? I setup a new content filter rule to block internet access and only allow using a passphrase. I've created the source address that I wanted blocked, included it in the "source address Included" in my CFS Policy, created a new profile which blocks everything and choose passphrase. Created my passphrase. I have two CFS policies so I moved the new one that's blocking to #1 the old one is now #2 in the content filter rules. For whatever reason it doesn't seem to be working. I'm testing it on a PC that I have on-site. Not sure what I'm missing. Anybody have any suggestions?
Hi @sdeyoung
Is the site you are testing with HTTPS? Do you have HTTPS blocking in CFS profile object under advanced tab?
Forgot to mention that, yes it is turned on..
Thanks @sdeyoung
Please check this kb for the config:
How to restrict the web access based on a passphrase action in CFS 4.0 | SonicWall
If you have the config the same way, I would suggest to call our support line so we can take a deeper look,
Got it! Had to turn on DPI-SSL and import a cert onto that machine.
Great to hear! thanks for the update!